The importance of voting essay

The importance of voting essay

the importance of voting essay

Feb 08,  · Short Essay on Importance of Voting is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Citizens of the country constantly complain about how our political climate is bad and worsening day by day and the honest truth is we have a chance to change it for the better. To make these changes we must vote by taking an informed vote and casting it as you should remember every vote counts Sep 29,  · ENG Essay. Date. The Importance of Voting. The reason to vote cannot be over stated. One man one vote says a lot. It puts each person on equal footing. A vote from a rich person has the same power as a poor person. Young people has the same right to be heard as their elders May 11,  · Many people in countries around the world do not have the same freedom, nor did many Americans in centuries past. No matter what you believe or whom you support, it is important to exercise your rights. Typically in the United States, national elections draw large numbers of voters compared to local elections

The Importance of Voting Essay | Bartleby

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. There are many ways to get our opinions out. We could write letters visit our fellow politicians, and call their offices.

But the most effective way to get your opinions out there is to vote. Voting is what our country builds off of. We as American citizens had the constitutional right to vote for the President of the United States, Governor, Mayor, etc. They could not be any more wrong. Voting is important because it shows that we pay attention to politics, the issues of the day, and to get your voice heard. A reason why voting is important is because of significant events that happened in history for us to vote.

The importance of voting essay were several events that took place regarding our freedom to vote. They involved the 15th and 19th amendment. There the importance of voting essay a time about hundred years ago when people did not want us to vote if we did not meet the criteria of being a Caucasian male back then, the importance of voting essay.

Since there was such a big deal about it and people lost their lives to have more freedom, their sacrifice should not be taken for granted, the importance of voting essay. I think voting is a patriotic act that everyone that is legal should participate in. Voting shows that we care about ourselves and history. Believe it or not there are Importance of VotingJared Candelaria May 30, S.

Grade 8 The Importance of Voting Voting is a special right that all of us have for living in this free country. Voting is a right that, throughout the history in many countries, people from across the world the importance of voting essay fought and sacrificed everything to achieve.

As Americans, we have the special chance to live in a society that has such rights for their citizens. In reality their vote does count and actually can make a difference. Your vote holds your local and national leaders responsible for their actions that can affect you and the millions of your other fellow citizens. Your vote allows the government you voted for to serve you, to serve all of its citizens and it is our vote and right to decide who will represent us and how we want to be represented.

Your vote is needed to elect fair government officials and it is your way to voice your opinions. Along with many Why Should We Vote Voting in India the importance of voting essay a Constitutional right if one is a citizen over 18 years of age.

However, that also makes it optional. It has been a tendency among voters, especially in the urban areas, to treat the voting day as a day of rest, the importance of voting essay. While skipping the vote may not seem to cause any harm,the long-term consequences are disastrous. Here's why every citizen of India must cast his or her vote: Agent of change: Voting is the agent of change. If the people of India think that the ruling government is not performing its duties satisfactorily, they can show it the door by voting against it.

Refraining from doing so can result in the same party, or a worse one, being elected for the next five years. Every vote counts: In a country so populous, a voter might feel that a single vote does not make any difference. However, the balance tilts when this becomes a national attitude and lakhs—perhaps crores—of votes are not cast.

By casting their vote, citizens may not necessarily be able to get the best candidate elected—politics being what it is—but by avoiding casting their vote they improve the chances of the unsuitable ones winning the polls. At the end, it is only the voter who has to suffer through poor governance. Get heard: Voting offers every citizen a medium of expression. In a country as vast and diverse as ours, different regions have different concerns and priorities.

It means that we have one of the greatest rights any free people can have: the right to vote. Voting is a right that, throughout history, many have fought for and sacrificed everything to achieve. As Americans, we have the great privilege to live in a free society and voting is the right that makes us free.

Why Should I Vote? The truth is that your vote does count and you do make a difference every time you vote! Your vote holds your local and national leaders responsible for the decisions they make. Your the importance of voting essay sends a message about the issues you think are important.

Your vote affirms our rights as free citizens to elect our government and take part in democracy. Without votingthere could be no democracy.

Maybe you know other people who choose But wait aside of that, think for a second, the importance of voting essay. This year there were people going to vote even when hurricane sandy hit parts of their neighborhood, the importance of voting essay, destroyed their houses or flooded several ways for them to get to their voting station, but they still voted.

They did so To fulfill their duty as a citizen, to make their voice heard and their vote count. In the democracy that we live in today there are many issues that are being addressed and many opinions trying to turn into ideas about the problems that were facing.

That is why as citizens of this nation we need to critically think of which position do we believe in most; and vote to make that difference in our country. But since this is about the importance of votingnot only should we vote for the president of the United States we should vote for the people that are trying to make their School systems across the nation rely heavily on bonds to support the instructional as well as the operational apparatuses of schools.

The issue of voting bonds to support the overall school improvement process for school districts is critical and necessary. The process requires the support, commitment and involvement of all citizens within local communities.

All students deserve the right to be educated in facilities and environments that are safe, sound and conducive for learning just as they need an appropriate instructional curriculum that meets their diverse needs.

The students in the Dougherty County School System are not different from students anywhere else. They deserve to be taught in excellent learning facilities with a strong instructional program second to none. Bond referendums are more apt to pass if school districts have strong public relations programs with their local school communities.

School districts, who involve their local school communities in the activities and decision-making process, are more likely to receive the support of the community when they propose a bond referendum. More importantly, school districts with school boards who work and partner together for the betterment of schools and students, and are on one accord regarding bond In the United States of America, we consider voting to be an obvious right that everyone deserves.

It is a part of our lifestyle and crucial in our government. Despite its importancevoting is not mandatory for American citizens. Only after becoming a registered voter, any United States citizen over the age of 18 can cast their ballot for who they want in positions of power within the government. Those who want to vote are able to, the importance of voting essay several accommodations are provided for people who find themselves incapable of making it to the polls on Election Day.

Without voters, our government would be unable to function properly. Many potential voters in the United States do not interest themselves in politics, and therefore can be unaware of what is happening in the government of their country.

When someone knows they do not have to vote, and their opinion and knowledge will have no the importance of voting essay on the outcome of the election, they may not feel the need to learn about each candidate and the current situation of the political sphere. The most-informed citizens are the ones that show up at the polls come Election Day, the importance of voting essay, and the typical turnout for even a presidential election is only about It is very hard to get everyone to agree on subjects.

That is why there are so many different ways of voting. Each state in the American nation consists of having particular voting requirements. States should have the right to require voters to produce a valid form of photograph identification before voters can be allowed to vote in either state or national elections. Voting shapes our world. First, the politicians need us to vote so they can be put in office. Second, the country may not have the person it wanted all because of one non-voter. Requreing photo id prevents many voter frauds.

Under the law, anyone who wants to vote but does not have a photo identification must obtain a new voter registration card that includes a photo. A birth certificate can be used to prove identity. Seven states have enacted voter identification laws that require or request certain forms of photo identification from voters.

Voter photo I, the importance of voting essay. prevents fraud because it validates who the person is. Politicians depend on us to put them where they want to be. Their futures depend on what we do in our voting. We must vote to have these people live out their good-willed promises that they make during their campaign. That is how it is a responsibility. They also depend on the responsibility the importance of voting essay comes with age.

Seven states have enacted voter identification laws that require or request certain forms of photo identification from voters Sign Up. Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays The Importance of The importance of voting essay. The Importance of Voting Topics: Votingthe importance of voting essay, Thoughtthe importance of voting essay, Person Pages: 1 words Published: October 25, Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document.

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the importance of voting essay

Oct 25,  · Importance of Voting In his Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln called democracy “government of the people, by the people and for the people.” It means that we are not here to serve our government, but that our government is here to serve us — and we have the right to decide who will represent us and how we want to be represented May 11,  · Many people in countries around the world do not have the same freedom, nor did many Americans in centuries past. No matter what you believe or whom you support, it is important to exercise your rights. Typically in the United States, national elections draw large numbers of voters compared to local elections Importance of voting The majority of countries in the world run on the principles of democracy, which functions on the dictum of the people, for the people, and by the people. The very foundation of democracy lies in the ability of the people to voice their opinion and choose their own leaders among themselves, through the process of voting

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