The history of computers essay

The history of computers essay

the history of computers essay

Computers have really revolutionized our life, we use them almost everywhere, either it’s business, education, health or entertainment. I’m a student, and computer helps me a lot. I couldn’t imagine my life without it. According to me computers and Internet is the best innovation in the history of mankind The following six National History Day individual documentary winners received the Next Generation Angels Awards from The Better Angels Society. As part of their awards, the six student winners traveled to Washington, DC, in October for three days of tours, screenings, and special events at the Smithsonian, the Library of Congress Sep 17,  · Once you are satisfied with your work, prepare your final draft. If you have only handwritten your essay, then you will need to type the entire thing on the computer. If you already have a computerized draft, then you don’t need to re-type the entire essay

Amazon. History and Background Essay - Words

The history of tablet computers and the associated special operating software is an example of pen computing technology, the history of computers essay, and thus the development of tablets has deep historical roots. The tablet computer and the associated special operating software is an example of pen computing technology, and the development of tablets has deep historical roots. The first patent for a system that recognized handwritten characters by analyzing the handwriting motion was granted in In addition to many academic and research systems, there were several companies with commercial products in the s: Pencept and Communications Intelligence Corporation were among the best known of a crowded field.

The development of the tablet computer was enabled by several key technological advances. The rapid scaling and miniaturization of MOSFET transistor technology Moore's lawthe basic building block of mobile devices and computing devices[4] [5] made it possible to build portable smart devices such as tablet computers.

Tablet computers appeared in a number of works of science fiction in the second half of the 20th century, with the depiction of Arthur C. Clarke 's NewsPad [8] appearing in Stanley Kubrick's film A Space Odysseythe description of the Calculator Pad in the novel Foundation by Isaac Asimov, the Opton in the novel Return from the Starsby Stanislaw Lem, and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in Douglas Adams comedy of the same name, all helping to promote and disseminate the concept to a wider audience.

InAlan Kay envisioned a KiddiComp; while a PhD candidate [10] [11] he developed and described the concept as a Dynabook in his proposal: A personal computer for children of all ages, [12] the paper outlines the requirements for a conceptual portable educational device that would offer functionality similar to that supplied via a laptop computer or in some of its other incarnations a tablet or slate computer with the exception of the requirement for any Dynabook device offering near eternal battery life.

Adults could also use a Dynabook, but the target audience was children. Steve Jobs of Apple envisioned in a the history of computers essay an "incredibly great computer in a book that you can carry around with you and learn how to use in 20 minutes". He and others urged the industry to research the Dynabook concept. Star Trek: The Next Generation featured extensive use of tablet computers. InHindsight, a startup in Enfield CT, developed the Letterbug, the history of computers essay based tablet computer for the educational market.

Prototypes were shown at trade shows in New England inbut no production models ever came out. In Linus Technologies released the Write-top, the first tablet computer with pen input and handwriting recognition. It weighed 9 pounds and was based on MS-DOS with an electroluminescent backlit CGA display and a "resistive type touch screen in which a voltage is applied to the screen edges, and the history of computers essay stylus detects the voltage at the touched location.

Around units were sold. InGRiD Systems released the GRiDPadthe first commercially successful tablet computer. It weighed 4. The handwriting recognition was created by Jeff Hawkins who led the GRidPad development and later created the PalmPilot. Its GRiDPen software ran on MS-DOS and was later licensed as PenRight. TheAtari ST -PAD Stylus was demonstrated but did not enter production. InSamsung introduced the PenMaster. As the OS, it used the newly released Windows for Pen Computing from Microsoft.

The touchscreen relied on a chipset by Wacom and it used a battery powered pen. GRID Systems licensed the design from Samsung and was also sold as the better known GRiDPad SL.

InApple Computer released the Apple Newton the history of computers essay, with a 6-inch screen and grams weight.

The operating system and platform design were later licensed to Sharp and Digital Oceanwho went on to manufacture their own variants. The Compaq Concerto was released in with a Compaq-modified version of MS-DOS 6. Windows for PEN, with pen-entry and Wacom compatibility. Functionally the Concerto was a full featured laptop that could operate in pen-mode when the keyboard was removed.

In media company Knight Ridder made a concept video of a tablet device with a color display and a focus on media consumption. Clarke's screen play and Stanley Kubrick's film: A Space Odyssey.

The device was supplied for the duration of the Barcelona-based trial, which ended in InThe Webbook Company announced the first Internet-based tablet, then referred to as a Web Surfboard, that would run Java and utilize a RISC processor. Also inthe history of computers essay, Palm, Inc. released the first of the Palm OS based PalmPilot touch and stylus based PDA, the touch based devices initially incorporating a Motorola Dragonball CPU.

Again inFujitsu released the Stylistic tablet format PC, the history of computers essay, running Microsoft Windows 95, on a MHz AMD DX4 CPU, with 8 MB RAM offering stylus input, with the option of connecting a conventional Keyboard and mouse. InIntel announced a StrongARM based touch screen tablet computer under the name WebPAD, the tablet was later re-branded as the "Intel Web Tablet". In AprilMicrosoft launched the Pocket PCutilising their touch capable Windows CE 3.

The devices were manufactured by several manufacturers, based on a mix of: x86MIPSARMand SuperH hardware, the history of computers essay. One early implementation of a Linux tablet was the ProGear by FrontPath. The ProGear used a Transmeta chip and a resistive digitizer.

The ProGear initially came with a version of Slackware Linuxbut could later be bought with Windows InMicrosoft attempted to re-institute the then decades old tablet concept by assigning two well-known experts in the field, from Xerox Palo Alto Research Centerto the project. InMicrosoft coined the term " Microsoft Tablet PC " for tablet computers built to Microsoft's specification, and running a licensed specific tablet enhanced version of its Microsoft Windows OS, popularizing the term tablet PC for this class of devices.

Inoriginal equipment manufacturers released the first tablet PCs designed to the Microsoft Tablet PC specification. This generation of Microsoft Tablet PCs were designed to run Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, the Tablet PC version of Windows XP. After releasing Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, Microsoft designed the successive desktop computer versions of Windows, Windows Vista and Windows 7to support pen computing intrinsically.

Tablet PCs failed to gain popularity in the consumer space because of unresolved problems. Because these computers are general purpose IBM PC compatible machines, they can run many different operating systems. However, the device is no longer for sale and FrontPath has ceased operations. Many touch screen sub-notebook computers can run any of several Linux distributions with little customization.

Open source note taking software in Linux includes applications such as Xournal which supports PDF file annotationGournal a Gnome-based note taking applicationand the Java-based Jarnal which supports handwriting recognition as a built-in function.

Before the advent of the aforementioned software, many users had to rely on on-screen keyboards and alternative text input methods like Dasher. There is a stand-alone handwriting recognition program available, CellWriter, in which users must write letters separately in a grid. A number of Linux-based OS projects are dedicated to tablet PCs.

Since all these are open source, they are freely available and can be run or ported to devices that conform to the tablet PC design. InHitachi introduced the VisionPlate rugged tablet [48] that was used as a point-of-sale device. The Ubuntu Netbook Remix editionas well as the Intel sponsored Moblin project, both have touchscreen support integrated into their user interfaces.

Canonical Ltd has started a program for better supporting tablets with the Unity UI for Ubuntu Initially developed by Palm, Inc. in Januaryas the Palm OSwebOS was purchased by HP to be their proprietary operating system running on the Linux kernel. Versions 1. HP has continued to develop the webOS platform for use in multiple products, including smartphones, tablet PCs, the history of computers essay, and printers. HP announced plans in Marchfor a version of webOS by the end ofto run within the Microsoft Windows operating system to be used in HP desktop and notebook computers in HP TouchPad, the first addition to HP's tablet family, was shipped out with version 3.

HP have also claimed in its webcatalog to support over apps with its release. On 18 AugustHP announced that it would discontinue production of all webOS devices.

Nokia entered the tablet space with the Nokia running Maemoa Debian-based Linux distribution custom-made for their Nokia Internet Tablet line. The product line continued with the N which is the first to add phone capabilities. Intel, the history of computers essay, following the launch of the UMPC, started the Mobile Internet Device initiative, the history of computers essay, which took the same hardware and combined it with a Linux operating system custom-built for portable tablets.

Intel co-developed the lightweight Moblin operating system following the successful launch of the Atom CPU series on netbooks. MeeGo is an operating system developed by Intel and Nokia to support Netbooks, Smartphones and tablet PCs. InNokia and Intel combined the Maemo and Moblin projects to form MeeGo. The first [ clarification needed ] MeeGo powered tablet PC is the Neofonie WeTab.

The WeTab uses an extended version of the MeeGo operating system called WeTab OS. WeTab OS adds runtimes for Android and Adobe AIR and provides a proprietary user interface optimized for the WeTab device. Apple has never sold a tablet PC computer running Mac OS Xalthough OS X does have support for handwriting recognition via Inkwell. However, Apple sells the iOS -based iPad Tablet computerthe history of computers essay, introduced in Before the introduction of the iPad, Axiotron introduced the Modbooka heavily modified Apple MacBook the history of computers essay, Mac OS X-based tablet computer at Macworld in To support the digitizer on the integrated tablet, the Modbook was supplied with a third-party driver called TabletMagic.

Wacom does not provide drivers for this device. The tablet computer market was reinvigorated by Apple through the introduction of the iPad device in The iPad has been characterized by some as a tablet computer that mainly focuses on media consumption such as web browsing, email, photos, videos, and e-reading, even though full-featured, Microsoft Office-compatible software for word processing Pagesspreadsheets Numbersand presentations Keynote were released alongside the initial model.

One month after the iPad's release Apple subsidiary FileMaker Inc. released a version of the Bento database software for it, the history of computers essay.

The history of computers essay of the release of iOS 5 in OctoberiPads no longer require being plugged into a separate personal computer for initial activation and backups, eliminating one of the drawbacks of using a non-PC architecture-based tablet computer.

On 20 MayIDC published a press release defining the term media tablet as personal devices with screens from 7 to 12 inches, lightweight operating systems "currently based on ARM processors" which "provide a broad range of applications and connectivity, differentiating them from primarily single-function devices such as ereaders".

More recent reports the history of computers essay predictions from various analysts in the range from 26 to 64 million units in Early competitors to Apple's iPad the history of computers essay the market for tablet computers not based on the traditional PC architecture were the 5 inch Dell Streakreleased in Juneand the original 7 inch Samsung Galaxy Tabreleased in September At the Consumer Electronics Show in Januaryover 80 new tablets were announced to compete with the iPad.

Companies who announced tablets included: Dell with the Streak TabletAcer with the new Acer TabMotorola with its Xoom tablet Android 3. Many of these tablets were designed to run Android 3. Hewlett-Packard announced its TouchPad based on the WebOS system in June HP released it a month later in July, only to discontinue it after less than 49 days of sales, becoming the first casualty in the post-PC tablet computer market.

In SeptemberAmazon. com announced the Kindle Firea 7-inch tablet deeply tied into their Kindle ebook service, Amazon Appstoreand other Amazon services for digital music, video, and other content.

History of Computers – How were Computers Invented Short Documentary Video

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Project Examples | National History Day | NHD

the history of computers essay

Sep 17,  · Once you are satisfied with your work, prepare your final draft. If you have only handwritten your essay, then you will need to type the entire thing on the computer. If you already have a computerized draft, then you don’t need to re-type the entire essay Computers have really revolutionized our life, we use them almost everywhere, either it’s business, education, health or entertainment. I’m a student, and computer helps me a lot. I couldn’t imagine my life without it. According to me computers and Internet is the best innovation in the history of mankind Jun 08,  · To write a history essay, read the essay question carefully and use source materials to research the topic, taking thorough notes as you go. Next, formulate a thesis statement that summarizes your key argument in concise sentences and create a structured outline to help you stay on topic

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