Message to garcia essay

Message to garcia essay

message to garcia essay

Rowan was sent for and given a letter to be delivered to Garcia. How "the fellow by the name of Rowan" took the letter, sealed it up in an oil-skin pouch, strapped it over his heart, in four days landed by night off the coast of Cuba from an open boat, disappeared into the jungle, & in three weeks came out on the other side of the Island, having traversed a hostile country on foot, and delivered his letter to Garcia, are Mar 28,  · A Message to Garcia is an award winning essay written in It serves as an inspiration to some as well as a lesson. In the essay President McKinley needed to have a message delivered to Garcia in the jungles of Cuba, he trusted one man with this mission, Rowan. He gave Rowan clear instructions on what to do A Message to Garcia BOOK REPORT Essay example. Words3 Pages. BOOK REPORT 1. “A message to Garcia” 2. LCPL Garcia 3. Elbert Hubbard 4. Published in 5. Publisher: Peter pauper press, Inc 6. 32 Pages 7. Price of the book: $ 8

A Message to Garcia - Paper - Words

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. The essay is not so much on the deliverance of the message to Garcia. I learned about having the message to garcia essay to get things done rather than having to constantly ask, and be told how to get things done, message to garcia essay.

In the story Spain is at war with the United States, message to garcia essay. In Cuba there was a man named Rowan. He was known for his ability to get the job message to garcia essay. He was chosen by President Mckinley to deliver the letter to General Garcia.

Garcia was up somewhere in the mountains and no one knew where. Rowan took the letter and just set out to complete the task. He had no idea where Garcia was he just went without asking a single question. On your life he will not.

He will look at you out of a fishy eye, and ask one or more of the following questions: Who was he? Which encyclopedia? Where is the encyclopedia? Was I hired for that? Is he One man accepted the task not knowing where to find this other leader and only going off of the name Garcia, message to garcia essay. Today people wonʼt just accept such a task. Instead, theyʼll question the practicality, require specifics, or ask for something in return.

For instance, if an employer asks their employee to mop the floors, that employee will do one or two things, message to garcia essay, stop what theyʼre doing and immediately get it done, or finish what theyʼre doing first. If that employee didnʼt stop and immediately get the job done, then the employer would most likely find another employee to complete the simple task while the first employee finishes what they were already doing.

During the war between Spain and the United States, it was crucial for leaders to communicate. The president needed a letter sent to a man by the name of Garciawho lived so far up in the mountains that mail didnʼt travel there and telegraph messages couldnʼt reach him.

This letter needed to be brought to Garcia These values include taking initiative, message to garcia essay, accomplishing tasks with little instruction, and simply acting promptly without complaining. A Message to Garcia discusses these points and encourages readers to become the messenger and not message to garcia essay typical unwanted employee. In becoming the messenger you will not only be the go to person at work, but also more likely to succeed at any message to garcia essay that you will be given.

Having initiative is one of the most important values to message to garcia essay as an employee, whether you are a civilian or a member of the Military.

Initiative is the ability to initiate action without being told to, or to follow through with a plan energetically. When your boss or chain of command does not have to tell you what to do or when to do it, message to garcia essay, it helps them focus on the tasks at hand that may be of greater importance. Completing tasks with simple directions also helps because your boss does not have to waste long periods of time showing you what you must do in order to accomplish the mission.

He must be able to provide direction, but allow you to take independent action and be willing to find answers on your own. As an employee you must do everything to standard without being lazy or attempting to take the easy way out. Name: Jubar Ramsey Grade: PFC Date: Unit: MWCS Book Title: A Message to Garcia Author: E. Its also a fairly small book and I knew that I would be able to just read it quickly move on the other books on the list. The book began by explaining a situation where a Military Commander needed to get a message out to a Soldier named Garcia.

The only issue that they had was that they did not know the exact location of Garcia and they found a guy that had the reputation to get all and any task done without questioning who, what, when, where or why. The messenger overcame all difficulties and accomplished the overall mission which was to deliver a message to Garcia. Throughout the book they compared different characteristic held by many message to garcia essay nowadays and kept asking if they would be able to deliver the message to Garcia.

Some of the characteristics that was told was traits that are needed in At the time the United States of America was in a bit of turmoil with Spain. President William McKinley it was wise to become allies with Cuban rebels who were led by General Garcia. Cuba at the time was under Spanish control and allying with the Cuban rebels seemed to be a powerful foothold for the U. General Garcia message to garcia essay, Cuban rebel leader, was isolated in the mountains and nearly impossible to find.

The search for the man or men who could handle the task of not only finding Garcia but delivering a personal message from President McKinley. The president was given the name of one man; not a group of men but one man. The writer of the article simply refers to him simply as Rowan.

Andrew Summers Rowan was a Colonel in the United States Army. A class of West Point graduate served proudly until his retirement in When asked to carry a message to General Garciamessage to garcia essay, he never questioned his orders. He never asked why or gave any grief about the assignment he was given. Rowan simply stored the message safely and securely made his to Cuba via boat from Jamaica and marched on.

Garcia was found in the Oriente Mountains after Rowan trekked through harsh terrain to find him. Upon his A Message To Garcia A Message to Garcia is an essay about a man named Rowan who was message to garcia essay with the deliverance of a message to a man named Garcia back during the Spanish-American War.

Rowan did not ask any questions about his mission to which he was tasked with. He did not ask who Garcia was or where Garcia was at. Rowan just simply took the message straight to Garcia without any hesitation or doubt in his orders.

Rowan, although his rank and full name elude us, has given me a new sense of knowledge to what the word discipline really means and how it is meant to be used. Before I read this essay, message to garcia essay, I was under the impression that discipline was just simply doing what you are supposed to do in a timely manner. Now, after reading the essay, I know that it means not only doing what you are supposed to do, but also doing that even when no one is around and doing what you are instructed to do.

You are to complete the mission or task that you are assigned with as soon as possible or even sooner if possible, not when convenient for you. The author, Elbert Hubbard, made a good point with example of the six office clerks and the request. The request was that you would ask each of them to write you BOOK REPORT Name: schmukatelli Grade: E-3 Date: Book Title: A Message To Garcia Author: Elbert Hubbard Why I chose this book: I chose to read A Message To Garcia because it was recommended to me by Marines that had read it before.

After reading it, I knew exactly why it was recommended to me. Give a brief description about this book: Hubbard starts out his story with a war between the United States and Spain. There are no means of communication between the insurgent leader message to garcia essay Cuba, Garciaand the U.

So the President sends a Lieutenant by the name of Rowen into the dangerous jungle of Cuba to seek out Garcia and deliver his message. Without any question, Rowen accepts and three weeks later emerges from the jungle with his mission accomplished.

Yet when times are rough and work is scarce, the scrutiny of current and future employees becomes more harsh. From this, the incompetent and unworthy are let go. A Message to Garcia Elbert Hubbard In all this Cuban business there is one man stands out on the horizon of my memory like Mars at perihelion. When war broke out between Spain and the United States, it was very necessary to communicate quickly with the leader of the Insurgents.

Garcia was somewhere in the mountain fastnesses of Cuba - no one knew where. No mail or telegraph could reach him. The President must secure his co-operation, and quickly. What to do! There is a man whose form should be cast in deathless bronze and the statue placed in every college in the land. It is not book-learning young men need, Sign Up. Sign In.

Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays A Message to Garcia - Paper. A Message to Garcia - Paper Topics: Spanish—American Warmessage to garcia essay, TaskElbert Hubbard Pages: 2 words Published: August 19, Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document. You May Also Find These Documents Helpful. Essay about message to garcia Read More.

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A Message to Garcia by Elbert Hubbard

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A Message to Garcia BOOK REPORT Essay example - Words | Bartleby

message to garcia essay

Rowan was sent for and given a letter to be delivered to Garcia. How "the fellow by the name of Rowan" took the letter, sealed it up in an oil-skin pouch, strapped it over his heart, in four days landed by night off the coast of Cuba from an open boat, disappeared into the jungle, & in three weeks came out on the other side of the Island, having traversed a hostile country on foot, and delivered his letter to Garcia, are Mar 28,  · A Message to Garcia is an award winning essay written in It serves as an inspiration to some as well as a lesson. In the essay President McKinley needed to have a message delivered to Garcia in the jungles of Cuba, he trusted one man with this mission, Rowan. He gave Rowan clear instructions on what to do A Message to Garcia BOOK REPORT Essay example. Words3 Pages. BOOK REPORT 1. “A message to Garcia” 2. LCPL Garcia 3. Elbert Hubbard 4. Published in 5. Publisher: Peter pauper press, Inc 6. 32 Pages 7. Price of the book: $ 8

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