Literature review help sheet

Literature review help sheet

literature review help sheet

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow more RescueNet Code Review for Public Safety Real CPR Help See-Thru CPR EMV+ Military Spec Sheet. International Literature. UK EMS AEV Spec Sheet UK. Spanish Military EMV Spec Sheet Spanish. Dutch EMS EMV Spec Sheet Dutch. German Dec 09,  · A literature review is essentially a survey of scholarly articles, books, dissertations, conference proceedings, and/or other published material. The review provides a summary, description, and critical evaluation of a topic, issue, or area of research

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RoadMonkey graduated with her Ph. in December She now uses the research skills she gained in her studies to look at other areas. Writing a literature review is the next task in progressing with my Ph. I have been reading and taking notes and I know, in theory, that my review should bring many aspects of a work together in a smooth and efficient manner. But how? This has been worrying me for some time.

It's important that each topic fits together, with cross references if necessary, while also ensuring that the essay does not plagiarize someone else's structure. Copying someone's formatting and structure is as much a form of plagiarism as copying their words, which is why it is important to find an organizational method that works for you.

I've found one that works for me. Perhaps it can help you too, literature review help sheet. While revising a previous paper of mine, I drew out a concept map of what needed to be included.

I realised that, with a few additions, the concept map gave me a great structure for my literature review. Even if you are not working on a Ph. I was first introduced to concept mapping through a book by Literature review help sheet D, literature review help sheet. He created the idea of concept maps back inwhen he was working as a children's researcher. He found that he could teach concept maps to children, even young ones.

From this, he realized that while the idea behind concept maps is simple, the ideas you insert into them can be as profound and complex as you wish.

First, you need to know what a concept is, and secondly, you need to know how the concepts are linked. This is pretty simple:. For example, you could write the word "car" inside one box, and write the word "fast" in the box below the first box.

The last step is to link them with a line that says "can be. This may seem too simple, but concept maps can be expanded greatly and express very complex sets of relationships. For instance, I've included a link to a concept map about concept maps in the link box below. The only other important thing to know about drawing a concept map is that you need to start with a question.

So, for the example given above, literature review help sheet, I might have started with the question:. There are many different questions that can be asked, and a concept map can be used to explore the meanings and relationships of limitless concepts, helping you develop a better understanding of what you already know.

I am not going to use my own research for this example, but will create an outline using information about something I have not researched.

So, if your research is in this area and I get things wrong, please forgive me. First you need to work out your themes, also known as the subjects that need to be covered, and work out your research questions. If I were writing a literature review on this topic, I would now have my research questions and thus my three major divisions. I can now take each of these research questions and use a concept map to illustrate the relationships between the various concepts. This will give me an outline for my paper.

First, I take a piece of paper, turn it 90 degrees so that it is horizontal, and write my research question across the top. This can be handwritten on a piece of paper this is how I usually start outor you can use Microsoft PowerPoint or any other program with the ability to create graphics.

I do most of my concept mapping by hand or by using in PagePlusX6. You can find a link for a free download of PagePlusX6 in the box of links below. Believe it or not, I have some experience with playgrounds. I used them as a child some 60 years ago, visited them as a parent about 30 years ago, and find myself near a playground from time to time as a grandparent. I have a lot of thoughts about them from a user's point of view, but none from an engineer's or a public authority's perspective.

My concepts in those areas may be quite wonky or faulty. Use them only as a guide. I now need to consider what other concepts I can think of regarding children's playgrounds.

These may be "surfaces," "equipment," "location," "inspections," "funding" and "usage. The next step is to write new concepts below the top ones, and connect them with linking words, such as "have," "are subject to," etc. I now look at the different types of surfaces at playgrounds and recall that there are three types:. Sometimes the concept map needs to be changed around.

For instance, the accidents may be related to the equipment or the surface or to a lack of supervision. Because I have used a graphical program, I can move the concepts around to fit more easily into available space. Still, I often start my concept maps on paper, just literature review help sheet get the ideas flowing, literature review help sheet.

Once the concept map is literature review help sheet, I can now use it to form an outline for my paper. Each concept can form a heading or subheading, literature review help sheet. Concept maps have a hierarchical structure from top to bottom, so the concepts at the top of the concept map form the headings and the concepts lower on the map form the subheadings. Because the relationships shown on the concept map can be horizontal as well as vertical, the areas that I need to cover throughout my paper are visible and can be covered when necessary.

For instance, I may need to talk about accidental injuries in the equipment section, the surfaces section and the supervision section, and consider whether there are more or fewer accidents in the rural playgrounds because:. With three concept maps, one for each research question, I have an outline for the whole of my paper.

Alternatively, you can make concept maps working from bottom to top rather than top to bottom. This is a bottom-up approach, whereas the concept map idea can be thought of literature review help sheet a top-down approach. If you choose to use this alternative method, you need to start with the most specific concepts and see if you can group them together into a larger concept. Yellow sticky notes can be useful for this. Once you have some related groups, see if you can think of a higher concept that would encompass all of them.

For instance, I started out with sand, grass and mud, which could be gathered into the concept of "soft surfaces," and I also had the concepts of "falls" and bruises," which fit literature review help sheet my concept of "injury types. These two higher concepts of "soft surfaces" literature review help sheet "injury types" seemed to fit into an even higher concept of "injury prevention. Question: Which visual map might help us in planning the structure of a literature review?

Answer: I used a concept map to plan the structure of my literature review. It worked for me. I did several iterations and also did a reverse concept map.

This is where you take a piece of writing and construct a concept map from that. Then use that to refine the piece of writing. This checks for linkages and logical ordering of the piece.

Yes, mind mapping does help things seem clearer. I did a great many mind maps and concept maps and often switched between mind literature review help sheet, concept maps and outlines depending on which seemed clearer and what was needed at the time. You can also do reverse mind maps, where you create a mind map FROM your written material.

This shows the linkages and helps you work out whether anything is missing. Good luck with your lit review. I began my lit review with mind mapping literature review help sheet then converted it to the required outline I had to turn in. I am literature review help sheet in the stage of writing the lit review and am somewhat overwhelmed.

I think I'll go back to the mind map as it is clearer which way I need to go next. Luis G Asuncion from City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines on November 20, Luis G Asuncion from City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines on November 16, A concept map can be used for just about anything, not just a literature review.

Children can also learn how to use concept maps. You could try reading Joseph D Novak's book mentioned above, literature review help sheet is the original work on concept maps and gives examples of concept maps produced by children. Luis G Asuncion from City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines on November 14, Marlene, that's one way to start a concept map: from the bottom up.

I have used many index cards in my life, I have boxes of them! But a concept map is one way to gather together all the information and thoughts I have on one subject and keep literature review help sheet together, literature review help sheet, online or printed out on a sheet, literature review help sheet.

Thanks for visiting and commenting. This is quite interesting. Currently, I write thoughts on a 3x5 index card and then spread all of the cards out on a table. I then try to put the thoughts into related groups. I do this before going to the computer to write anything. But, your method sounds more constructive.

I'm going to try using it in the future. I have done a lot of "papers taped to a wall" for many situations. One in particular was not in my studies but was an attempt to "map" a legal document that was being suggested as part of a contract. When the wording was "mapped out", it could be visually seen that the very clever lawyer had made the wording say the exact opposite of what was meant! Papers taped to a literature review help sheet is in my opinion a good way of starting a bottom up review.

Sometimes, I start this way, when I can only "see" the individual components and have no feel for how they are related, literature review help sheet.

LITERATURE REVIEW: Step by step guide for writing an effective literature review

, time: 23:44

literature review help sheet

Feb 20,  · Writing a literature review is the next task in progressing with my Ph.D. I have been reading and taking notes and I know, in theory, that my review should bring many aspects of a work together in a smooth and efficient manner RescueNet Code Review for Public Safety Real CPR Help See-Thru CPR EMV+ Military Spec Sheet. International Literature. UK EMS AEV Spec Sheet UK. Spanish Military EMV Spec Sheet Spanish. Dutch EMS EMV Spec Sheet Dutch. German Feb 24,  · Importantly, this note will not focus on the large COVID literature that discusses health impacts, distancing measures, epidemiological models, pandemic-induced mortality changes, or the impact of other policies, domestic or foreign. For a more general review of these other topics, please refer to Brodeur et al. ()

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