Essays on economy

Essays on economy

essays on economy

Essays on Economy. Please enter something. Major Causes of the Great Depression. Words • Pages • 3. Introduction It all began, October 29th, , the Stock Market come to a seizing halt and crisis began. America’s economy was sustaining itself on money that wasn’t there from the stock market and it finally broke them to the point + Words Essay on Indian Economy. India is mainly an agricultural economy. Agricultural activities contribute about 50% of the economy. Agriculture involves growing and selling of crops, poultry, fishing, cattle rearing, and animal husbandry. People in India earn their livelihood by involving themselves in many of these blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins Jul 19,  · The answer is that considerable policy and structural barriers persist to launching successful community ownership nationwide. These barriers include: Access to capital: Real estate is

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Black organizers raised this money to purchase and develop the prime commercial real estate into mixed-income housing, worker-owned cooperatives, and new green space for community benefit.

While community ownership efforts such as these have garnered new attention essays on economythe solidarity economy is generations in the making. Property ownership in the United States has always been rooted in racial exclusion and exploitation, from the theft of indigenous lands, to slavery, racial housing covenants, essays on economy, predatory lending, the use of eminent domain for highway construction, and the systemic devaluation of Black residential assets.

Today, as we seek to recover from the pandemic-induced economic crisis, essays on economy, interest in these models has surged, yet widespread adoption remains elusive. The purpose of this brief is to help readers understand community ownership as a movement, policy choice, and mechanism for achieving resident-led community resilience and revitalization.

We define and summarize various community ownership models, trace their evolution, present the evidence base on their benefits, essays on economy discuss the structural barriers that prevent these models from being adopted in more places. We conclude with recommendations for how local, state, and federal leaders can support community ownership as an emergent strategy for equitable development.

Yet, it is difficult to find a standard definition of community ownership. Community ownership comes in various models and structures—with diverse goals, governance entities, and degrees of democratic decisionmaking. Table 1 defines common community ownership models and their associated governance entities; Figure 1 provides an overview of their differing motivations for benefiting a defined community.

Community land trusts CLTs are one of essays on economy longest-standing and broadly applicable community ownership models, suitable for implementation in a range of urban and rural communities. The first CLT emerged during the Civil Rights struggle in the American South, when New Communities Incorporated formed in Lee County, Georgia in to help rural Black farmers secure land in the face of predatory lending, agricultural industrialization, essays on economy, and discrimination.

Today, there are approximately CLTs in the US, with the average CLT containing 50 housing units. Communities need more than affordable housing to thrive; they need grocery stores, pharmacies, essays on economy, restaurants, and other small businesses to get their needs met. Two factors led to a greater interest in non-owner-occupied residential community ownership in the wake of the Great Recession. First, essays on economy, private equity groups, hedge funds, and institutional investors expanded their property portfolios to purchase single-family homes in bulk, leading to steep declines in homeownership concentrated in select cities and millions of low-income, predominantly minority families struggling with absentee landlords, poor property conditions, essays on economy, and rising property prices [18].

Second, economic inequality expanded within urban areas and across regions throughout and after the Recovery These factors prompted many residents to seek out commercial ownership models for essays on economy holistic neighborhood revitalization. These models can be useful tools in strong market neighborhoods e. those with high rents, essays on economy, economic and population growth, and high demand for property to empower tenants, ensure affordability for entrepreneurs, and retain local businesses and organizations who may otherwise be displaced.

While the rise in commercial community ownership models is still nascent, several models exist—all with the primary function of offering communities the opportunity to secure ownership of, or obtain shares in, a commercial real estate project to benefit from the asset. The fundamental question for these models is how they relate to city and regional market dynamics—most notably how they can co-exist in harmony with markets and avoid re-creating essays on economy patterns that disproportionately harm communities of color.

An Urban Land Institute report found that community ownership models which charge below-market rent on a long-term basis for commercial properties can be seen as giving unfair advantage to tenants, yet, charging market rate is often seen as a conflict of interest for non-profits. Given these fundamental questions, we turn to the evidence base on the outcomes that shared ownership models can lead to, before turning to policy recommendations for how they can benefit the greatest number of people and places.

Due to the fairly recent emergence of ownership models centered on commercial real estate, the research base on their effectiveness is underdeveloped. Much of the existing research focuses on residential CLTs, but the evidence base indicates that community land ownership models can lead to tangible economic, built environment, social, and civic benefits for a broad range of communities.

Below are five key economic benefits supported by existing research:. Residential models address housing insecurity by increasing the supply of affordable housing within the area, whereas commercial models can address vacancies that threaten community vitality.

This investment, however, benefits not just the community ownership project or model, but the community as a whole, essays on economy. The reason some places are underserved is not just because of limits to supply or access to capital, but barriers in how communities deploy capital. The social benefits of community ownership are harder to measure, which in no way diminishes their significance. Sociologists have long focused on the sense of loss that residents may feel if commercial development caters exclusively to new, typically higher-income, households, essays on economy.

The answer is that considerable policy and structural barriers persist to launching successful community ownership nationwide. These barriers include:. While many community ownership solutions are project-based, for example tied to a specific piece of real estate, essays on economy, the motivation to replace speculation with community stability and control is both people- and place-based. One deal, even a big one, does not change everything.

It takes an ecosystem of structures, capital, and policies to create a foundation for prosperity in the wake of systemic disinvestment See Textbox 2. Textbox 2. Creating a community ownership ecosystem in South LA. The market disruptions wrought by COVID are only shining light on a system of property ownership long-designed to fail low-income people and people of color. With skyrocketing home prices in urban and rural places alike, a looming eviction crisisand an uneven small business crisiscommunity ownership offers a critical solution to protect communities against these trends.

And there is an important role for policymakers across levels of governance to play in facilitating these goals. Local governments that deploy land banks to rehabilitate their property tax bases or have discretionary funding can connect these efforts to community ownership.

State government agencies—including departments of commerce or economic development—can use their power, leverage, and resources to authorize legislation that supports the development community ownership models. The federal government too, can partner with state and local governments to facilitate the local ownership of real estate—which could include establishing and capitalizing state revolving loan funds to provide direct seed funding to locally- managed neighborhood investment funds.

There is also an opportunity for local leaders to use American Rescue Plan funds to support community ownership. The authors thank Elwood Hopkins, Sheila Foster, Damien Goodmon, Daniel Fireside, Devin Culbertson, Brett Theodos, and Jennifer S. Vey for their review of various drafts of this piece. Any errors that remain are solely the responsibility of the authors. Photos courtesy of Downtown Crenshaw Rising. Davis, John, essays on economy. CLTs were created to address agricultural land ownership in Georgia in the s and have been used since then to secure access to agricultural land, provide programmatic support, and directly engage in food production.

Solidarity Economy: Key Concepts and Issues. Solidarity economy I: Building alternatives for people and planet : The Role of Community Land Trusts in Preserving and Creating Commercial Assets: A Dual Case Study of Rondo CLT in St. Paul, Essays on economy and Crescent City CLT in New Orleans, Louisiana. in The Community Land Trust ReaderJohn Emmeus Davis, ed. City Farms on CLTs: How Community Land Trusts Are Supporting Urban Agriculture. Vey, Jennifer S. Grace, and R.

New retail capital and neighborhood change: Boutiques and gentrification in New York City. Essays on economy for the people: How social infrastructure can help fight inequality, polarization, and the decline of civic life. From a Neighborhood of Strangers to a Community of Fate: The Village at Market Creek Plaza. In Transcultural Cities: Border-Crossing and Placemaking ed. Hou, J, essays on economy. Tracy Hadden Loh and Hanna Love.

Menu Introduction What is community ownership? About the Authors, essays on economy. Tracy Hadden Loh Fellow — Essays on economy Policy Program, Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Center for Transformative Placemaking. Hanna Love Research Associate — Metropolitan Policy Program.

What is community ownership? What are the goals of community ownership? Some of these models essays on economy focused on owner-occupied residential property housingwhereas others focus on those holding income-generating assets commercial real essays on economy, including multifamily rental housing.

Some models prioritize shares for residents with earnings below a certain percentage of the area median income. In some models, like Community Land Trusts CLTsownership is divided between a nonprofit entity who owns the land and individuals within a community who own the buildings on the land.

In others, like REITs, the owner is a corporation and essays on economy can become shareholders in the corporation to profit from development. In all cases, the key distinction is that individuals can earn, buy, or build their own equity while sharing control. How do individual wealth and community ownership intersect? Individuals do not give up all property rights when they enter a community of ownership. The mechanisms vary based on model see Table 2butin general, individuals and the community negotiate a set mechanism to share the benefits and obligations of ownership between individuals and the community.

This mechanism then enables the community to pool resources—often using a system of shares. Table 1 expands upon wealth-building components of each model. Origins and evolution of community ownership. a The decommodification of residential property.

The evidence base for community ownership models: Economic, social, and civic benefits. The economic benefits of community ownership :. Community ownership can increase access to and retention of home ownership for low-income households : While limited to residential ownership models, essays on economy, the bulk of essays on economy research on community ownership focuses on its effectiveness in helping low- and moderate-income households attain and retain homeownership, essays on economy.

Other community ownership models are more strictly focused on wealth creation and do not include tradeoffs for current owners that ensure affordability for future owners. Community ownership can increase access to amenities and support the growth of locally owned small businesses : Residents of low-income, majority-minority communities have less access to major grocers than those living in higher-income neighborhoods, which contributes to relatively higher grocery costs.

Retail establishments in general are significantly underrepresented in Black communities, regardless of median income levels. Indeed research demonstrates that the percentage of employment provided by locally owned businesses has a positive effect on county income and employment growth and a significant negative effect on poverty.

These challenges can reduce sales tax revenue and undermine the fiscal stability needed to make investments infrastructure or otherwise that help communities thrive.

The built environment benefits of community ownership:, essays on economy. The civic benefits of community ownership:. The social benefits of community ownership:.

What barriers exist to scaling community ownership in more places? Access to capital: Real estate is a field with high barriers to entry, in large part, because most real estate deals require large amounts of up-front liquid capital.

Few subsidies exist to advance community ownership models, at times requiring development efforts to raise significant funds from philanthropy.

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