Essay about death

Essay about death

essay about death

Aug 15,  · When you’re writing a persuasive essay, you need more than just an opinion to make your voice heard. Even the strongest stance won’t be compelling if it’s not structured properly and reinforced with solid reasoning and evidence. Learn what elements every argumentative essay should include and how to structure it depending on your audience in this easy step-by-step guide Overview. Congress, as well as any state legislature, may prescribe the death penalty, also known as capital punishment, for capital Supreme Court has ruled that the death penalty does not violate the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishment, but the Eighth Amendment does shape certain procedural aspects regarding when a jury may use the death penalty and how it must Photographing the Battle of Gettysburg, O'Sullivan's Harvest of Death. The Gettysburg Address - full text and analysis. Later stages of the Civil War - Later stages of the Civil War - the election of and Sherman's March. Later stages of the Civil War - Appomattox and Lincoln's assassination

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The death penalty is arguably the most controversial legal punishment imposed by the Criminal Justice System of our country. This form of punishment stands out from the rest due to its harshness and severity, essay about death. There is general agreement that capital punishment is the most severe punishment that a judge can give an offender. Due to the perceived severity of the death penalty, there has been intense controversy surrounding the issue.

Opponents of the death penalty declare that it is barbaric and inhumane hence the government should do away with it. On the other hand, its supporters maintain that the death penalty is a necessary form of punishment that should essay about death used on the most vicious offenders in society.

The highly polarized debate on the death penalty has continued to exist for decades. Ethical theories can be used to come up with a solution to this highly controversial issue. Ethics determine what is the right course of action in a given situation. A number of solid ethical theories have been proposed by scholars and philosophers over the years. This paper will make use of one of the most widely applied ethical theories, which is utilitarianism, to demonstrate that the death penalty is indeed justified.

Utilitarianism is a popular and widely applied ethical theory that was first proposed by John Stuart Mill. According to this theory, essay about death, the moral nature of an action can be deduced by calculating its net utility. Actions are viewed as having either benefits or negative consequences. Individuals should act essay about death a manner that increases the benefits since if the consequences outweigh the benefits, the action will be considered unethical. From a utilitarian perspective, actions that promote the happiness of the majority in society should be essay about death while those that deter this happiness should be avoided.

The utilitarian theory can be applied to the issue of capital punishment since this form of punishment produces both positive and negative consequences.

The first major benefit offered by the death penalty is that it plays a significant deterrence role. The most important goal of the criminal justice system is to discourage people from engaging in crime, essay about death.

This is achieved by attaching punishments to crimes so that a person perceives the merits of engaging in illegal actions as being outweighed by the consequences. As such, an ideal society would be one where no one is punished since the threat of punishment keeps everyone from engaging in crime, essay about death. The death penalty is the most severe punishment and its availability is likely to deter people who might not be scared by long prison sentences. Research indicates that there is a negative relationship between executions and murder incidents thereby suggesting that the death penalty plays a deterrence role Kirchgassner From a utilitarian perspective, the deterrence role is ethical since it contributes to the overall happiness of the society, essay about death.

When criminals are deterred from engaging in crime, the society is safer and people enjoy the peace and security in their communities. Another significant benefit essay about death by the death penalty to the society essay about death that it leads to the permanent incapacitation of the convicted person.

Unlike other forms of punishment which only restrict some of the freedoms of the offender, the death penalty takes away his life. While other forms of punishment such as life imprisonment also have an incapacitation effect, this effect is not as essay about death. A person who has been imprisoned essay about death life can still engage in vicious crimes against his fellow inmates or even the prison guards.

The probability of recidivist murder is removed by implementing the death penalty. From a utilitarian point of view, this benefit is significant since it completely safeguards the society from future offences from essay about death convict.

The death penalty leads to a sense of justice for the individuals affected by the crime perpetrated by the convicted person. As has been highlighted, the death penalty is only given to individuals who have engaged in vicious crimes such as violent murder. When a person commits a violent murder, he causes significant emotional distress to the family and friends of the victim Stambaugh and Gary 1. This pain and suffering can be alleviated if the convicted person is given a punishment that fits his crime.

Without the death penalty, the essay about death person is given a long prison sentence. This might expose the family of the victims to future emotional suffering as they might be required to attend parole hearings for the convict. The death penalty provides maximum retribution and therefore gives peace to the family and friends of the victim, essay about death.

The final essay about death of the death penalty is that it gives the judge the ability to provide adequate retribution for any crime. For justice to be served, it is necessary for the severity of the punishment to equal the crime committed. If the punishment is regarded as lenient, then there will be a sense of injustice by society members.

There are crimes that cannot be punished satisfactorily without the death penalty. Without the death penalty, people found guilty of these crimes would be given the maximum life imprisonment sentence. This would create a sense of injustice therefore decreasing the credibility of the justice system.

This might cause people to engage in extrajudicial killings Steiker and Jordan A utilitarian approach would support a punishment essay about death leads to a sense of justice and hence increases the credibility of the justice system. Capital punishment fulfils this role and leads to the perception of justice therefore preventing the breakdown in law and order that might occur if people seek out their own justice, essay about death. A significant consequence of the death penalty is that is has a high fiscal cost compared to the alternatives.

The taxpayers have to shoulder the financial burden associated with implementing the death penalty. Traditionally, the death penalty was considered to be a cheaper method of punishing convicts compared to the alternative, which is a longer prison term. However, this has changed as procedures that are more stringent have been put in place when dealing with capital cases. Instead of tackling these cases as other criminal cases, the prosecutor and defender are required to be thorough and make use of expert witnesses.

Once the judgment has been passed, the offender can engage in numerous appeals making the case last for many years. While it is possible to essay about death the costs associated with capital punishment, essay about death, such a move would require neglecting some of the procedural safeguards put in place to ensure that the risk of wrongful conviction is reduced to the minimal, essay about death.

From a utilitarian perspective, the huge financial cost is a negative consequence to the society. Opponents of capital punishment point out that the society would benefit more if the money currently used to sustain the death penalty was used for other pursuits such as building rehabilitation centers or increasing the police force in order to deter crime in the community Dieter par, essay about death.

Another major consequence of the death penalty is that it might lead to a miscarriage of justice. If this happens, an innocent person can be put to death by the criminal justice system.

While miscarriages of justice occur even in non-capital essay about death, there is the hope that the innocent person can be exonerated in the future through appeals. However, the death penalty is final and once the sentence has been carried out, essay about death, there is no chance for the innocent person to challenge the wrongful conviction and attain his freedom.

Aronson and Cole reveal that the danger of wrongful conviction remains to be the most dominant issue in capital punishment discussions This situation can lead to a crisis of confidence in capital punishment since killing an innocent person is unacceptable.

To a utilitarian, the wrongful killing of an innocent person is a great loss to the society since he can no longer make a positive contribution to his society. In addition to this, wrongful execution might lead to emotional distress essay about death the people who were involved in the trial.

It therefore has a negative impact and reduces the happiness of the society. To determine the ethical nature of an action using utilitarianism, one must weigh the benefits against the consequences.

In this case, the benefits of the death penalty include deterrence, essay about death, incapacitation, retribution, and the preservation of law and order. On the other hand, essay about death, the consequences include high fiscal cost and a potential loss of innocent lives. As can be seen, essay about death, the benefits of implementing the death penalty outweigh the consequences.

It can therefore be asserted that the death penalty is ethical from a utilitarian perspective since it has a net beneficial effect, which leads to the maximization of the happiness of the greatest amount of people. This paper set out to demonstrate the ethical nature of the death penalty using the utilitarian theory.

It began by acknowledging that the death penalty issue is highly controversial and people are divided in their opinions concerning its usefulness, essay about death. The essay about death then demonstrated how the utilitarian theory, which seeks to maximize the happiness of the majority, could be used to ascertain the ethical nature of capital punishment. It has shown that the death penalty has major advantages to society including deterrence, incapacitation, and an increase in the credibility of the criminal justice system, essay about death.

However, the death penalty also has major consequences since it is costly to the citizen and it might lead to wrongful executions. However, the benefits are more prominent and when implemented, the death penalty reaffirms the value of observing the law, thus creating a safer society for all citizens.

From the arguments provided in this paper, it is clear that the death penalty has the most favorable results for the majority in society. This punishment should therefore be implemented more often in our country since it is ethically sound and leads to overall benefits to essay about death society. Aronson, Jay and Cole Simon. Dieter, Richard. Kirchgassner, Gebhard. Stambaugh, Irl, and Gary Stam.

Steiker, Carol and Jordan Morris, essay about death. Capital Punishment: A Century of Discontinuous Debate. Sunstein, Cass and Vermeule Adrian. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Utilitarianism: Death Penalty - View on Capital Punishment, essay about death. Introduction The death penalty is arguably the most controversial legal punishment imposed by the Criminal Justice System of our country.

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Death Penalty: James A Inciardi Perspective Arguments in Favor and Against the Death Penalty. GET WRITING HELP, essay about death.

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IELTS Task 2 Writing. Unit 4. Step 1. The Death Penalty. Consider Both Sides / Opinion Essay.

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essay about death

Jul 21,  · We will write a custom Essay on Utilitarianism: Death Penalty – View on Capital Punishment specifically for you for only $ $11/page. certified writers online. Learn More. Due to the perceived severity of the death penalty, there has been intense controversy surrounding the issue. Opponents of the death penalty declare that it is The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner. Please note: Some confusion may occur between the argumentative essay and the expository essay Freud's essay makes a contribution to this supplement to the aesthetics of the "beautiful" by examining what we might call the aesthetics of the "fearful," the aesthetics of anxiety. -- Freud will wed psychoanalytic and aesthetic modes of thought to develop his theory of the uncanny; the theory remains incomplete if it fails to regard both of

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