A good dissertation is a done dissertation

A good dissertation is a done dissertation

a good dissertation is a done dissertation

Welcome to Ph.D. blogger.com Ph.D. blogger.com was created to help all doctoral students not just survive but thrive in graduate school and beyond. This site is dedicated to many busy individuals who decided to complete a doctoral degree, be it PhD, Ed.D, or any other doctoral degree that requires writing a dissertation. Writing Boot-camps: When Mar 06,  · “The best dissertation is a done dissertation.” While this may rankle some graduate students, I think this is some of the best advice that an ABD can take to heart. Yes, it may be a tired cliché, but it’s a cliché for a reason! It’s really easy to get lost in the details and to focus on all the minutiae of your project Mar 06,  · It would not be necessary anymore to play a guessing game with each chapter draft or relying on hearsay about what makes a good dissertation. I have often heard: “A good dissertation, is a done dissertation.” While this is true, I would also like to also hear: “A good dissertation is built on communication, not assumptions.”

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A Blog from GradHacker and MATRIX: The A good dissertation is a done dissertation for Humane Arts, Letters and Social Sciences Online. Katie Shives is a PhD candidate in Microbiology at the University of Colorado. Her writing can be found on her portfolio site, kdshives. While this may rankle some graduate studentsI think this is some of the best advice that an ABD can take to heart. After a couple of years in grad school this is how your brain works. There is definitely a sense of pride in producing our a good dissertation is a done dissertation work, but the struggle of best vs.

done is important to recognize as you near completion. Finishing graduate school and the time that you take to do so is very much a risk vs.

reward moment as you will need to make decisions that will determine your career trajectory for years after this moment. Hiring managers and search committees will not read it. They will however, read your publications, have seen your talks at conferences, and review grants that you apply for; all of which are all items that end up on your CV.

Do good work on your dissertation, but remember that in completing your dissertation you should be consistently publishing, presenting, and applying for funding for your work. A beautiful dissertation is nothing without a productive track record to support it, a good dissertation is a done dissertation.

It is great to be proud of your work and to create something that is a valuable contribution to your field. That is one of the greatest parts of a graduate education. Remember to keep things in perspective here though: How many other dissertations have revolutionized their fields? How about published, peer-reviewed articles? How many people are going to read your dissertation versus read your published articles?

in order to achieve this academic credential, a good dissertation is a done dissertation. While I cannot speak for the humanities, in STEM fields only your published papers get read. The dissertation is simply a formal mark showing that you can do research and contribute to the field.

Nobody outside of your committee will read it and you will be lucky if they read the whole thing with focused attention for that matter. So get over being a perfectionist, publish your research in to advance your field, slap that work into your dissertation, and move on. If you really want to revolutionize your field, you need to be working in it, not just completing a dissertation on the subject.

Do they want a perfect document, or do they want a student that finishes in a timely manner and goes on to a productive career whatever that means for you? Meet the requirements, even exceed them, but under no circumstances pursue perfection at the expense of meeting your graduation timeline. Your best work is good enough, and good enough is done.

Finishing graduate school a good dissertation is a done dissertation a difficult time for many students; the structure that we have come to take for granted inside the academic system will no longer be there for many of us after we finish and move on to different careers. This uncertainty about our futures makes it all too tempting to spend just a little more time, more effort on our dissertations to prolong having to enter the job market. Careers where nobody will ever read your dissertation, or even care that much about your research topic.

The working world outside the Ivory Tower cares about what you can do, what you have learned, and how well you manage yourself; not that you spent years lovingly curating a document that does not pertain to your current work. To avoid a slipping into perfectionist habits and downward productivity spiral set concrete milestones for your writing.

Get past the idea of a perfect dissertation because it will never exist. Finish your dissertation and start building your life post-PhD, whatever that may mean for you, a good dissertation is a done dissertation. Expand comments Hide comments. We have retired comments and introduced Letters to the Editor.

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Wendy Carter-Veale Ph.D. – A Good Dissertation is a Done Dissertation

a good dissertation is a done dissertation

Mar 06,  · “The best dissertation is a done dissertation.” While this may rankle some graduate students, I think this is some of the best advice that an ABD can take to heart. Yes, it may be a tired cliché, but it’s a cliché for a reason! It’s really easy to get lost in the details and to focus on all the minutiae of your project Mar 06,  · It would not be necessary anymore to play a guessing game with each chapter draft or relying on hearsay about what makes a good dissertation. I have often heard: “A good dissertation, is a done dissertation.” While this is true, I would also like to also hear: “A good dissertation is built on communication, not assumptions.” Welcome to Ph.D. blogger.com Ph.D. blogger.com was created to help all doctoral students not just survive but thrive in graduate school and beyond. This site is dedicated to many busy individuals who decided to complete a doctoral degree, be it PhD, Ed.D, or any other doctoral degree that requires writing a dissertation. Writing Boot-camps: When

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