When writing your essay, the introduction is often best saved for last. You have to know what you’re arguing before you can tackle the introduction. That also means that in revising your essay you will constantly have to fine tune the beginning: as your essay takes shape, the thesis will likely change with it Writing an IELTS Essay Introduction In the writing for task 2, you must write an IELTS essay introduction, but you only have 40 minutes. In this time you need to analyze the question, brainstorm ideas to write about, formulate an essay plan, and then write your response. Even for a native writer of English, this is a lot to do in 40 minutes! · The Writing Revolution provides a GST format for introductory paragraphs: G – General statement – introduces the topic of the essay and gives context. S – Specific statement – addresses the question directly and uses key terms. T – Thesis statement – makes clear the line of argument
Introductions and Conclusions | Writing Advice
In previous blog postsI have looked to outline the many ways in which The Writing Revolution has developed my understanding of how to teach writing. In this post, I want to outline strategies from The Writing Revolution which will enable students to write great essay introductions. Whilst I will take a KS5 focus, I believe that these strategies are equally successful for introductions required in KS3 or KS4 writing.
It is often the case that students need and appreciate a formula to help provide coherency and structure to their writing, writing essay introductions. As Dawn Cox outlines in her excellent post on scaffolding writing, a formula can act as a useful scaffold for reducing the cognitive load on students when writing. In this case, writing essay introductions, the GST formula can enable students to focus on what is important to include within their introduction and what they want to argue.
As students become more confident, we can look to remove the scaffold and provide more independence to allow students to experiment with their writing. At first, it is important to have students distinguish between each type of statement.
Once familiar with the types of statement, students can then look to practice them in their writing. To start, give students three sentences and ask them to identify the general statement, specific statement and specific statement:. Writing a general statement when given a specific statement and a thesis statement. Next, provide students with a specific statement and a thesis statement, writing essay introductions. They are to create the general statement:. Writing a specific statement when given a general statement and a thesis statement.
Following on, you can given students a general statement and a thesis statement. They are to create a specific statement:. Writing a general statement and specific statement when given a thesis statement. In the next step, students write two sentences. They are provided with the thesis statement but they have to write the general statement and specific statement:. Given the level of depth required at A level, three sentences for an introduction will not be sufficient.
However, getting them used to writing the three styles of statement is essential before writing a full introduction. After they have acquired more confidence and proficiency, they can start to add more specific and general statements. To support them with this, you can give them an introduction with a general statement, specific statement and a thesis statement. Students are to add a couple more specific statements.
This writing essay introductions a result of using the strategies outlined in this post. Given the nature of A level essays, students are asked to evaluate and provide a line of argument. Therefore, the use of evaluative language is essential. The evaluation of arguments is built into the teaching of the course.
For instance, when evaluating the dualist view of the soul, I provide students with various criticisms. They rank them and look to justify writing essay introductions choice of ranking:. These activities provide students with evaluative writing essay introductions to draw upon when crafting their introductions.
Furthermore, I provide students with a word bank of evaluative language which they can select from when writing their introductions:. For further reading, Mrs Saunders writing essay introductions a brilliant insight into how to include more evaluative language within introductions and the wider body of the essay. In short, writing essay introductions, Writing essay introductions hope that these strategies from The Writing Revolution will lead to my students producing better introductions in their essays.
View all posts by joekinnaird. You are commenting using your WordPress. com account. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email, writing essay introductions.
Notify me of new posts via email. Skip to content, writing essay introductions. Blog Twitter. joekinnaird Uncategorized December 6, December 6, 3 Minutes. What is a general statement, writing essay introductions, specific statement and thesis statement?
The Writing Revolution provides a GST format for introductory paragraphs: G — General statement — introduces the topic of the essay and gives context, writing essay introductions. S — Specific statement — addresses the question directly and uses key terms. T — Thesis statement — makes clear the line of argument. Distinguishing between general, specific and thesis statements At first, it is important to have students distinguish between each type of statement.
To start, give students three sentences and ask them to identify the general statement, specific statement and specific statement: Writing a general statement when given a specific statement and a thesis statement Next, provide students with a specific statement and a thesis statement.
They are to create the general statement: Writing a specific statement when given a general statement and a thesis statement Following on, you can given students a general statement and a thesis statement. They are to create a specific statement: Writing a general statement and specific statement when given a thesis statement In the next step, students write two sentences.
Evaluative language Given the nature of A level essays, students are asked to evaluate and provide a line of argument. They rank them and look to justify their choice of ranking: These activities provide students with evaluative material to draw upon when crafting their introductions.
Writing essay introductions, I provide students with a word bank of evaluative language which they can select from when writing their introductions: For further reading, Mrs Saunders provides a brilliant insight into how to include more evaluative language within introductions and the wider body of the essay.
Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Published by joekinnaird, writing essay introductions. Published December 6, December 6, Previous Post Writing an essay in Key Stage 3 RE. Next Post Knowledge Quizzes: How can we increase challenge and deeper thinking? Leave writing essay introductions Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required. Email Required Name Required Website.
how I write a 400 word essay introduction in 20 minutes at university. My advice.
, time: 10:38Writing an IELTS Essay Introduction

· The Writing Revolution provides a GST format for introductory paragraphs: G – General statement – introduces the topic of the essay and gives context. S – Specific statement – addresses the question directly and uses key terms. T – Thesis statement – makes clear the line of argument Writing an IELTS Essay Introduction In the writing for task 2, you must write an IELTS essay introduction, but you only have 40 minutes. In this time you need to analyze the question, brainstorm ideas to write about, formulate an essay plan, and then write your response. Even for a native writer of English, this is a lot to do in 40 minutes! · select the topic. keep your introduction short, clear and concise. start with what you feel is the main .so, the next time you’re struggling to begin your argumentative (or any other graduate school writing sample kind of) essay, write to us with your requirements and we’ll get our professional writers to deliver emily dickinson style of writing high-quality, %.writing.
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