Three cups of tea essay

Three cups of tea essay

three cups of tea essay

Three Cups Of Tea Essay Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin takes each reader on a journey through love, loss, passion, and drive that really instills a sense of inspiration. The book reflects on Greg Mortenson and his mission to not only change the lives of thousands of muslim children, but to change the lives of the children’s children as In his essay, Mortenson attempts to repair the Western perception of the Middle East by describing his personal experiences and interactions with Afghan and Pakistani people. In effect, with Three Cups of Tea, Mortenson attempts to humanize Middle Easterners and portray them as victims rather than villains  · Greg Mortenson believes the best way to combat terrorism is through education particularly the education of girls. In “Three Cups of Tea,” he states, “You can hand out condoms, drop bombs, build roads, or put in electricity, but until the girls are educated a society won’t change” (Mortenson, Three Cups of Tea). This statement is extremely accurate

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Get access to this section to get all the help you need with your essay and educational goals, three cups of tea essay. When mountaineer Greg Mortenson first encountered the people of rural Pakistan, he was easily able to recognize the problems they faced every day, three cups of tea essay.

The people were isolated, embattled, impoverished, malnourished and exploited. But what shocked Greg the most was that most people did not have the opportunity to receive an education. While it was easy for Greg to identify the problems of life in the Middle East, the leaders and public Western Hemisphere ignores them. For years, the relationships between Western society and the Middle East have been characterized by suspicion and stereotypes.

The Middle East has often been depicted as a primitive land of warfare and violence. The graphic images of the newsreels often replace reality and thus ruin the public perception of the people in the Middle East.

In the book Three Cups of Tea, author Greg Mortenson challenges the ideas, attitudes, and images associated with the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan. In order to gain support for his cause, Mortenson uses pathos and imagery as rhetorical devices to humanize the misrepresented people of the Middle East. While it is an inspirational book, Greg Mortenson wrote Three Cups of Tea for a specific reason, three cups of tea essay.

Mortenson uses his memoir three cups of tea essay a tool three cups of tea essay gain support for his charity organization and humanitarian mission.

Mortenson is trying to gain sympathy from Western society for the plight of the impoverished in the Middle East. In order for Mortenson to continue his mission to build schools for destitute children, he needs financial support. Due to a wide cultural divide and hostile political conflict, it is difficult for Westerners to assist or emphasize with the problems of Middle Easterners.

This book was needed to give the misunderstood people of the Middle Eastern region a voice in the Western world. As of late, the United States has been trying to spread democracy and peace to three cups of tea essay Middle Eastern adversaries through the barrel of a gun.

However, as humanitarian Greg Mortenson explains, it is counterproductive to combat terrorism with force and violence. Only nternational compassion, education, and cooperation can bring peace. Greg Mortenson believes that by building schools for poverty stricken areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan will prevent students from attending extremist Islamic schools know as Madrassas.

This will play a major role in eliminating global terrorism and establishing peace. However, educating the world about the truth of Middle Eastern society and life is just as important. With this memoir, Westerners can look past their animosity, prejudices, and false judgments and truly understand the Middle East. Through the media in America, we are all constantly reminded of the enemies and conflicts that our nation has.

Images of a hostile landscape, turbaned terrorists, dying American soldiers, and armed militants on the news have caused the public to generalize Middle Eastern people and assume that they are violent by nature.

Westerners associate these negative images with the entire Middle Eastern society. With these assumptions, Western society has judged, and thus condemned the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and is unsympathetic to their hardships.

The attacks of September 11thhas only validated and expanded negative and hostile attitudes towards the Middle East. In his essay, Mortenson attempts to repair the Western perception of the Middle East by describing his personal experiences and interactions with Afghan and Pakistani people. In effect, with Three Cups of Tea, Mortenson attempts to humanize Middle Easterners and portray them as victims rather than villains.

Mortenson emphasized creating lasting relationships with the local people and was accepting of their beliefs, traditions, and culture, three cups of tea essay. By three cups of tea essay and working with people, Mortenson was able to find success and break down cultural barriers. Mortenson uses several literary techniques to gain the sympathy of his readers for his cause.

In the beginning of the book, Mortenson vividly recalls how children of local villages gathered together outside in the cold and sat silently while attempting to learn. They lacked shelter, supplies, and a teacher. The imagery of underprivileged children is a profound one in Western society. Children are seen as symbols of righteousness and innocence in the world.

By describing the hardships of children in Pakistan, Mortenson evoked emotion from his audience and caused them to sympathize with his cause.

While the Balti people were uneducated and isolated from the outside world, they taught Greg Mortenson many valuable lessons about life. Because Greg opened himself to the differences of another culture, he was able to learn, grow, and improve as an individual.

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Three Cups Of Tea Essay |

three cups of tea essay

Three Cups Of Tea Essay. Words 4 Pages. Caught Red Handed Greg Mortenson, with the help of his co-author David Oliver Relin, has painted a picture perfect image of himself in Three Cups of Tea. Leading many to believe that he is a hero and savior for the children of Central Asia, when in reality he is just a conniving, deceitful, greed In his essay, Mortenson attempts to repair the Western perception of the Middle East by describing his personal experiences and interactions with Afghan and Pakistani people. In effect, with Three Cups of Tea, Mortenson attempts to humanize Middle Easterners and portray them as victims rather than villains Three Cups Of Tea Essay Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin takes each reader on a journey through love, loss, passion, and drive that really instills a sense of inspiration. The book reflects on Greg Mortenson and his mission to not only change the lives of thousands of muslim children, but to change the lives of the children’s children as

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