Essay on my neighbourhood

Essay on my neighbourhood

essay on my neighbourhood

Jun 24,  · Short Essay on My Neighbour ( Words) – Essay 1. It feels safe, secure and pleasant living in a neighbourhood surrounded by helpful and positive people. The family living in my neighbourhood is full of life. There are six members in their family – grandparents, parents, and two kids. Every member is cheerful and blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins My Neighborhood Essay Words3 Pages Where I live is one of the greatest neighborhoods in the city to live in; however it does have its draw backs. Importantly it has nearly everything a resident might want, beautiful picturesque scenery, proximity to shopping, and many of the cultural centers Ideal Neighborhood Essay. I would really love to live in my ideal neighborhood. Where I would live, would be one of the greatest neighborhoods in the city to live in. Sadly, nothing is perfect, so I know there will be defaults. However, I'm going to focus on the positives

BEST (2+) Essay on My Neighbour | Neighbourhood Paragraph!

Good neighbours are a blessing. They help each other in the hour of need and share joys and sorrows. Having a good neighbour makes life much more joyous and pleasant.

It also makes essay on my neighbourhood feel secure. This is especially true for people living away from their families. We have given both long and short My Neighbour essay to help you with the topic in your exams as well as competitions.

All the essays are well worded by an experienced English content writer and able to fulfill your requirement; so, you can choose any one of them as per your need:.

It feels safe, secure and pleasant living in a neighbourhood surrounded by helpful and positive people. The family living in my neighbourhood is full of life. There are six members in their family — grandparents, parents, and two kids.

Every member is cheerful and helpful. We have been living in the same neighbourhood for almost a decade and our neighbours have become an important part of our life.

There have been several incidents during these years where they have proved to be of great help and support. I remember the day I was alone at home with my grandmother. My grandmother was doing some household work when her ankle twisted and she fell on the floor. She was unable to get up on her own. I was just seven years old at that time and could not help her stand. I was almost in tears. I called my neighbours and they immediately came for help.

I was really thankful to them. This is just one incident. There have been numerous such incidents wherein they have helped us. Our family also supports them whenever they need any help, essay on my neighbourhood.

Last year, essay on my neighbourhood, when their house was getting renovated, we invited them to stay with us for a few days. We have seen various highs and lows essay on my neighbourhood life together and hope our bond stays intact for years to come.

We live in a nuclear family. My father works in an Essay on my neighbourhood firm and my mother is a teacher, essay on my neighbourhood. I do not have any siblings nor do we have any relatives in the city. We visit my grandparents and cousins only during the summer vacation. I felt quite lonely when essay on my neighbourhood shifted here initially.

However, I soon met Meera, my new neighbour. I was overjoyed to know that she was the same age as me. We were both eight at that time. I got along well with her from the very beginning.

We connected very well and I started feeling really better. I was no longer lonely or sad. Just like I became friends with Meera, my mother got along well with her mother. My mother and she often have evening tea together.

We get a chance to play with different toys and games. On other days, we go together to the park. We play different outdoor games, take swings and enjoy a lot. We also joined the same summer camp during our last vacation. The camp was for three hours daily during the weekdays.

We indulged in many activities such as art and craft, dance, music and board games during this time. Both of us enjoy art and craft work. We prepared many craft items together even after we returned from the summer camp. During the vacations every year, we also visit the malls together. It has been three years since we have been neighbours and it has been a lot of fun. I am really essay on my neighbourhood to God for giving me such a good neighbour.

Meera is simply the best, essay on my neighbourhood. Her family is also very friendly. I am glad that our mothers are also friends with each other. Our neighbours are one of the first people we can approach during an emergency situation. Those who have good neighbours live with a feeling of security. On the other hand, those who do not connect well with essay on my neighbourhood neighbours can have a hard time during their hour of need.

Even though it is important to know our neighbours well and maintain a cordial relationship with them, people living in the cities do not make an effort to do so.

They usually blame their hectic lifestyle for this. This is quite unlike the people belonging to older generations. In earlier times, people gave a lot of importance to their neighbours. They made an effort to bond with their neighbours. Their neighbours were an integral part of their lives. They often invited their neighbours to their place. They met regularly during the evening hours. The elderly men in the neighbourhood sat down together post lunch to chit chat.

The elderly women went together to the temple during morning or evening hours. They also sat down in the neighbourhood park to chat with each other. The kids, on the other hand, played together for hours. The women in the neighbourhood often went together to the market.

They helped each other with household chores. They all lived as one big happy family. This tradition continues in the Indian villages even until today. We must be good for those living in our neighbourhood if we want to be treated the same way.

Our life becomes more enriching and wholesome in the company of good neighbours. We live in a society, essay on my neighbourhood. There are eight families on each floor. There are several floors and many towers in society, essay on my neighbourhood. This makes it a big neighbourhood. The residential welfare association of our society is very active. They make sure we all celebrate various festivals together. Big events are organized at different festivals. This brings all the neighbours close and helps them bond well.

I have had some really good experience living in this neighbourhood but some incidents have not been so good. We are on good terms with most of the families living on our floor.

My parents understand the importance of maintaining a cordial relationship with the neighbours and thus make an effort to bond with them. One of the lady living on our floor is very good friend with my grandmother.

Essay on my neighbourhood both visit the temple during the evening hours, essay on my neighbourhood. During winter afternoons they sit in the park and knit. My mother often invites her home so that the two elderly ladies can spend time together.

I also have two very good friends in my neighbour. I go with them to the park every evening, essay on my neighbourhood. We play together as our mothers sit and chat with each other. I feel great to have good friends in my neighbourhood especially because it makes the vacation time a lot more fun.

My parents are working. They both go to work in the morning and return only by evening. I stay with my grandparents during the day. Since they are old they cannot play with me, essay on my neighbourhood. But they do allow me to call my neighbourhood friends home or let me go there for a few hours after I study for some time, essay on my neighbourhood.

The company of my neighbourhood friends makes my vacations super fun essay on my neighbourhood exciting. I go swimming and cycling with them during the evening hours.

Write an essay on My Neighbour in English - Essay Writing- Short essays

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Long and Short Essay on My Neighbour in English for Children and Students

essay on my neighbourhood

Mar 21,  · My Neighborhood Essay My Neighborhood & The People Who Make It I live in a neighborhood that is somewhat misunderstood. Unless someone has actually experienced living here, they probably don’t really understand what it is blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Ideal Neighborhood Essay. I would really love to live in my ideal neighborhood. Where I would live, would be one of the greatest neighborhoods in the city to live in. Sadly, nothing is perfect, so I know there will be defaults. However, I'm going to focus on the positives Mar 29,  · Essay on My Neighbour in English ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself is one of the ten commandments of the Holy Bible, and similar injunctions are there in all religious books. I take good care in keeping on good terms with my neighbours. If all individuals and all nations adopt this principle, the world will become a paradise

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