Essay on high school dropouts

Essay on high school dropouts

essay on high school dropouts

 · Statistics show that out of every 56 students who finish Grade VI, only 43, or 77 percent, enter the first year high school. This indicates a dropout rate of nearly 24 percent. Research data further show that 43 percent, or 3,, young adults between the ages of 15 to 24, are out of school, and that 53 percent of these are unemployed High School Dropouts: Problems and Solutions The world would be a very different place if no one received a high school diploma or if there was a high percentage of dropouts. People would not have opportunities for advancements in employment, everyone would work the same type of job, and people would have the same level of education  · One third of all students who enter high school don’t graduate.1 As of , % of 16 to 24 year olds were dropouts.2 The dropout rate in urban schools is twice the rate of non-urban schools.2 Statistics also show that young adults whose families are in the lowest 20% of incomes are six times more likely to dropout that those whose families are in the upper 20% of incomes.2 The U.S. Department of Corrections indicates that 82% of all prisoners are dropout

The High School Dropout Free Essay Example

For these past few years, our country had been developing and keeps on looking for solutions in the problem of our education today. Basic Education Curriculum BECSecondary Education Curriculum SEC and the latest K to 12 Curriculum.

They keep on changing because they are looking for some ways on how we can provide good quality education to our students. Also they say that it can lessen the dropout rate of our high schools in the country.

Many of our officials in the DepEd wish that their program can really help our children to finish their studies and pursue their career. But somehow, these changes cannot change everything.

Many of our students are dropping out because of so many reasons. With these review literature examined reports and viewed journals to study the high school dropouts. These studies were guided by three questions: who drop out of school; why students drop out of school; and what is the effective solution to prevent drop out. Numerous studies have researched the reason why students leave school, who are the students are at risk of dropping out and what could be the effective solutions to prevent them from dropping out of school.

But, these studies and efforts have not helped, the increased of dropped out rate is still a problem. More and more question are still unanswered and still developing new things and adopting many things in order to help our students to get their high school diplomas.

The student had more independence and greater educational ambition, worried mostly about his future and, next, about getting along with others, expressed satisfaction with what he is required to learn but not with the way he was being taught, disliked homework and felt that disinterested students should not be forced to remain in school.

Also, students who experiencing poverty are at the risk of dropping out. The purpose of the study is to examine why students drop out of school, who are the students that drop out of school and what are the effective ways to lessen or prevent drop outs. The following research questions guided the study: Who are the students who drop out of school?

Why students drop out of school? What effective program can help students not to drop out of school? In the Philippines, the problem of student dropping out in the public secondary schools is as serious as ever. Statistics show that out of every 56 students who finish Grade VI, only 43, or 77 percent, enter the first year high school. This indicates a dropout rate of nearly 24 percent, essay on high school dropouts.

Research data further show that 43 percent, or 3, young adults between the ages of 15 to 24, are out of school, and that 53 percent of these are unemployed.

A survey of some schools in Metro Manila and nearby provinces disclosed that the drop-out rate is higher in the first year than in any other year level. The survey also identified several reasons why essay on high school dropouts leave school. Among these are the inability to defray school expenses because of poverty; distance of home from school; part or fulltime job opportunities; the concern to help augment family income; physical disability; boring or slow lessons which do not challenge bright students; elopement or early marriage; and being overage.

These factors, among other things, bring about the inefficiency of the public secondary school system. The Philippine education system has invested a lot of resources and efforts to minimize if not to eliminate inefficiency in delivering quality education to its clientele. Yet, despite the magnitude of the resources committed to improve the quality of education for all, still the drop-out problem coupled with low academic achievement of pupils remain an insurmountable problem as ever.

According to Rene R. Raya the author of The missed education of the Filipino people, the government admitted that while essay on high school dropouts figures have risen over the years, key performance indicators have been declining consistently sincefalling way short of the EFA targets for the corresponding years.

Net enrolment, cohort survival and completion rates for both elementary and secondary levels were all down. In SYparticipation rate in elementary education went down to Meanwhile, dropout rates posted record levels in both elementary The Department of Education reported that more learners drop out from the system particularly in the lower grade levels, even before functional literacy is acquired.

The Department of Education also noted the low participation of children in early childhood education ECEwith only 34 percent of the age group attending preschool and 60 percent of entrants in the first grade having ECE background.

The continued dropping out of children from the school system explains the low survival and completion rates and indicates the weak holding capacity of the public school system. Elementary cohort survival in SY went down to The corresponding figures for secondary education are Wide disparities in cohort survival and completion rates were observed among regions across the country.

A significant number of Filipino children are outside the school system. Based on the FLEMMS About half of them or 5. Poverty and related factors were the main reasons cited for not attending school. Some One of every five 20 percent cited the high cost of education as the reason for not attending school; while another According to R.

Raya there are key issues on our education today: 1 ACCESS — The dramatic rise in school dropouts, essay on high school dropouts, the low survival and completion rates and the alarming increase of out-of-school children highlights the deteriorating state of education in the country today.

This trend indicates a clear reversal in the increasing access to basic education achieved over the past two decades s and s 2 QUALITY — The poor quality of education and its outcome are reflected in the low achievement levels of students, the poor quality of teaching and the perennial essay on high school dropouts in key inputs, specifically teachers, infrastructure and instructional materials.

They are constantly at risk of falling out of the school system. From the writings titled Profile of Out of School Children in the Philippines. The Philippines committed to Millennium Development Goals and Education for All EFA targets that include universal primary education.

A description of these children is provided here, as well as that of children who are at risk of dropping out of primary and secondary levels of education. Reasons for children not being in school are discussed, together with essay on high school dropouts results of an econometric model that identifies correlates of non-attendance in school. The figure above illustrates estimates of the magnitude of out-of-school children OOSC sourced from the latest wave of the APIS, essay on high school dropouts.

Of an estimated 2. One and a half million out of school children are between 5 and 6 years old: 0. For both the official primary school completion rate and a more appropriate measure of primary completion rate4, we find that boys have a lower completion rate than girls. Boys are generally more likely to be at risk of exclusion from school than girls.

Percentage of Pre-primary aged OSSC in and by Reason for Non-Attendance in School, by Urban and Rural Areas. The percentage distribution for the reasons for non-attendance of pre-primary aged children hardly varies by sex, but the distribution varies slightly across urban and rural areas. In both andaside from being too young or lacking interest, another prominent reason cited in urban areas is cost of schooling, while in rural areas, school accessibility either schools being too far, no schools within the village, or no regular transportation to school is a prominent reason for nonattendance of pre-primary aged children.

Characteristics of Students Who Drop Out Socioeconomic Background. National data show that students from low-income families are 2.

Students with disabilities are also more likely to drop out. The National Transition Study estimates that as many as Hispanics and African Americans are at essay on high school dropouts risk of dropping out than whites. Hispanics are twice as likely as African Americans to drop out.

White and Asian American students are least likely to drop out. Academic Factors. National research also indicates that academic factors are clearly related to dropping out. Students who receive poor grades, who repeat a grade, or who are over-age for their class are more likely to drop out.

Students who have poor attendance for reasons other than illness are also more likely to drop out. Clearly, students who miss school fall behind their peers in the classroom.

This, in turn, essay on high school dropouts, leads to low self-esteem and increases the likelihood that at-risk students will drop out of school, essay on high school dropouts. Occupational Aspirations. Dropouts essay on high school dropouts have lower occupational aspirations than their peers. Predictive Factors. The following individual-level factors are all strongly predictive of dropping out of high school: Grade retention being held back to repeat a grade.

Consequences of dropping out: In recent years, advances in technology have fueled the demand for a highly skilled labor force, transforming a high school education into a minimum requirement for entry into the labor market.

Because high school completion has become a basic prerequisite for many entry-level jobs, as well as higher education, the economic consequences of leaving high school without a diploma are severe.

Earnings Potential. On average, dropouts are more likely to be unemployed than high school graduates and to earn less money when they eventually secure work. Employed dropouts in a variety of studies reported working at unskilled jobs or at low-paying service occupations offering little opportunity for upward mobility.

Dropping out, in turn, causes other secondary, indirect problems: Public Assistance. High school dropouts are also more likely to receive public assistance than high school graduates who do not go on to college, essay on high school dropouts. In fact, one national study noted that dropouts comprise nearly half of the heads of households on welfare. Single Parents.

This increased reliance on public essay on high school dropouts is likely due, at least essay on high school dropouts part, to the fact that young women who drop out of school are more likely to have children at younger ages and more likely to be single parents than high school graduates.

According to the Advocacy Paper of Arangkada Philippines A Business Perspective here are some recommendations that can help to lessen dropout rate in the Philippines. Increase public education budget over several years to at least PhP billion 3.

Double average spending per student to ASEAN-6 average. Constantly improve teacher quality and curriculum to produce graduates with skills required for higher quality jobs. Apply competency-based standards, more in-service training, essay on high school dropouts, maintain teacher welfare and morale. Intensify investment in technology for high school education to connect all 6, schools to Internet.

Equip high school teachers with notebook computers and students with e-readers. Establish computerized English language centers in high schools. Strengthen higher education by providing more resources for world class centers of excellence. Encourage more accredited foreign schools and foreign teachers. Undertake a vigorous public campaign to emphasize English language essay on high school dropouts.

Why I Dropped Out Of School... TWICE

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Essay On High School Dropouts - Words | Internet Public Library

essay on high school dropouts

High School Dropouts. 9 September Data shows that low socioeconomic, low parental involvement, and poor support from administrators and educators are among the most important factors that contribute the rise to high school dropout rates. Classrooms are overcrowded and that leaves students without the proper attention from teachers, which leads to students that Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Essay On High School Dropouts. Earning a high school diploma is the first step of becoming an adult and furthering education. It is extremely hard to advance in life without a high school diploma. The number of high school dropouts of today’s generation is extremely disappointing High School Dropouts: Problems and Solutions The world would be a very different place if no one received a high school diploma or if there was a high percentage of dropouts. People would not have opportunities for advancements in employment, everyone would work the same type of job, and people would have the same level of education

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